Thursday, January 19, 2012

Off to the land of spaghetti, art, and talking with your hands

Is this real life? I leave to study abroad in Florence, Italy with Harding University in one week. I can hardly wrap my mind around it. I feel completely unprepared, but that's alright... adventures and planning don't particularly go hand in hand.

People ask me if I'm excited? ... what kind of question is that? (if you haven't caught on yet that answer is obviously, I'm up at 2:30 a.m. to write about it). I may not have been as giddy as is expected, but it's a lot to take in and believe for a young woman who's barely left the Midwest. Anyway, I thought I'd jump in with the masses to blog about my experience and let friends and family back home know what I'm learning and experiencing. I don't exactly have a way with words, so bear with me.

I don't want to pretend that my findings are exactly unique or new from any other student who has written about their adventure, but it will be new to me and to the rest of the students I'll be with. We'll be learning so many new things and making memories we'll carry with us throughout our lives. I don't know what to expect. I look forward to building new relationships, learning abundantly, and being humbled as my eyes are opened to a whole different culture than the one I've known. I can tell you above all I want to learn more about the Lord and making His glory known. His story is the only one truly worth telling.

So here goes nothin.


  1. Proud of you already! Have a great time.
    Angie Weldy

  2. What a wonderful opportunity. You'll have a fabulous time.

    Aunt Sharon Sample

  3. Can't wait to hear how it is going. We are thinking of you........a bunch!! I kept the family (and my co-workers) appraised of your travels on the way there. Everyone is excited.

